Consumer Information
- Consumer Sites
Abstracts and links to consumer sites. Over 60 links to Consumer Law information centers and advocates. Additional links are provided to sources with information about consumer law, bank regulations, public insurance adjusters and government actions that have dealt with consumers. - Arbitration
Links are provided to Arbitration news, the Federal Arbitration Act, and recent court cases involving arbitration. Information that helps explain to the consumer how current arbitration clauses are effecting them is provided. - Corporate Info
Links are provided for financial news, financial education, the Edgar Database Search, general business information sites (e.g. Fortune, Dun & Bradstreet, Wall Street Journal), Public Records Access, FTC lawsuits, and Financial Markets Information. - Medical & Toxicology Sites
Links are provided to poison centers, medical libraries, medical journals, biomedical information, general medical reference sites, and sites dealing with medical-legal issues. Additional links connect with a chemicals table, Reuters Health News and environmental law links. - Asbestos Victims Information
Asbestos victims information provides information for victims of asbestos disease: mesothelioma, pleural plaque, asbestosis, restrictive disease, lung cancer, crocidolite, amosite, or chrysotile and explains possible legal remedies. - Antitrust
Antitrust resources and links to the ABA, American Antitrust Institute, FTC, and Supreme Court Debates dealing with Antitrust opinions. - Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy resources, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, and links to Bankruptcy Courts and Codes, Articles, Court Cases, Debtor and Creditor Laws, International Bankruptcy Laws, and other general bankruptcy links. - Consumer Law 2006 Updates
Table of N.Y.S. and Federal Consumer Protection Statutes, Recent NY Consumer Law Articles, Deceptive and misleading business practices, False advertising, Automobiles, Homes, Insurance, Loans & Credit, Overcoats lost in restaurants, Pyramid schemes, Property, Apartments & Coops, Retail Sales & Leases, Telemarketing, Litigation Issues, specific case citations and footnotes. - Ethics Sites
- Expert Witness Information and Directories
- Foreign Law
- General Law and Legal Information
- Historical Documents and Legal History
- Insurance Law
- Locate a Lawyer, or Person
- Litigation Sites by Subject
- Tax Law
- Topical Sites
- Trademarks and Patents
Off Site Links
- Admiralty and Maritime Law
- Marine Law Sources
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- ADA Library
This library provided by the Job Accommodation Network links to documents and information for Americans with Disabilities - Appeal: How to Handle
- Affirmative Action
- Automobile Lemon Law
- Banking
- Bankruptcy Basics
- Bankruptcy Overview
- Consumer Credit
- Credit and Collection, NSF Checks, Repossession Info
- Commercial Law Overview
- Contracts
- Daubert
- Evidence an Overview
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Home Page
- Eyewitness Identification
- Federal Asset Sales
- Glossary of Legal Terms
- Today in History
- Injunctions
- Information on the Fifty States
- Mass Torts and Class Actions
- Multilateral Treaties
- Privacy Rights
- RICO Act
- Telephone Area Code Lookup
- Topical Listing from New England School of Law
- Uniform Commercial Code Locator Site
- WARN Act information
- Zip Code Information
- USPS Zip
- USPS Rates