Federal Court Law Links

Links are given for eleven federal circuit court websites, the US International Trade Court, the US Courts of Appeal and a Federal Court Directory. A search tool for US Supreme Court opinions is provided along with a link to search Federal Court opinions. Find opinions and rules for the United States Court of Federal Claims.

Over twenty links to information about the Supreme Court are included. Supreme Court links include the official website, recent Supreme Court Decisions, Supreme Court news, the Supreme Court Historical Society, Case Citation Finder and more.

Links are also provided to over ten sites discussing Rules of Court Procedure and Pracctice. Find Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rules of Evidence, Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation.

Important Tools


Supreme Court of the United States

U.S. Supreme Court Opinions

FindLaw's searchable database of the Supreme Court decisions since 1893 (U.S. Supreme Court Decisions: US Reports 150-, 1893-). Browsable by year and US Reports volume number and searchable by citation, case title and full text.

U.S. Supreme Court Decisions: by volume or by year

  Citation Search
U.S. e.g. 410 U.S. 113
  Title Search
e.g. Miranda
  Full-Text Search
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United States Courts of Appeal

Federal Circuit Court Websites

Rules of Court Procedure and Practice

Administrative Law

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