Legal Letters & Forms
** Warning Regarding Use of Forms ** does not maintain or control sites linked from our pages. This legal forms page is provided for informational purposes only. The forms on this page have neither been authored by, nor reviewed for a determination of the propriety of their use. We do not endorse the use of legal forms by the unwary or nonlawyers, and the use of such forms in some jurisdictions under certain circumstances may constitute the unauthorized practice of law, or the underlying transaction in which they are used may be invalid, illegal or unenforceable if a later dispute should arise. As always, our policy is to encourage individuals to consult an experienced and competent attorney should they have needs for legal services.
All Law
Find printer friendly or downloadable forms at Some of the forms are available for free while others have a download fee. Forms dealing with Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Power of Attorney, Wills, Construction, Credit and Collection, and more can be found at this site. Forms can be made state specific.
Printable legal forms from All Law -
All About Law Free Forms
Links are provided to over 2,000 free legal forms. Free legal forms are generally pretty generic. "Member" forms can be state specific. Membership as of Dec. 2008 was $4.95 for the first 10 days with access to 5,000 forms.
Free Legal Forms -
Electric Library
The ’Lectric Law Library offers free forms in two broad categories: General Law Practice Forms and Business & General forms. Law Practice Forms include: law practice litigation forms, Sample letters to clients, corporate offices, Fee agreements, and Interview Forms. The Business & General forms include: Living Wills, Trusts & Wills, Powers of Attorney, Credit and Debt, Real Estate, Corporate, Partnership, Employment, etc.
General and Business Forms -
Federal Forms
While not claiming to encompass all Federal Forms currently available on line, links are provided to the most requested forms. Sample categories include: BAnkruptcy, variety of forms federal workers and their families need, IRS forms, State tax forms, Social Security card application, passport application, forms from the custom service, DOE financial assistance forms and others.
Downloadable Government Electronic Forms -
Findlaw Legal Forms
Findlaw provides links to individual state tax forms aw well as Federal links to tax forms. Also find State specific corporation and business forms as well as state specific family law forms. For a price forms dealing with business formation, intellectual property, estate planning and personal services (e.g. bankruptcy, residential lease, small claims, divorce and name change). All free form downloads appear to be from off site sources.
Findlaw Legal Form Resources -
Goodman Law Firm Free Forms
An alphabetical index is provided to free forms available from the site or link to other sites with free forms available for downloading. -
Law Chek Letters
Free pre-drafted letter templates for Home or Business dealing with: home, auto, medical, school, banking, credit bureau, business, shopping, federal state, Insurance and Personal.
Legal Form Letters -
Legal Docs on Line
Forms are avilable for: wills & power of attorney, leasing & real estate, sales, loans & transactions, business & human resources, marriage & cohabitation, consent, release & other documents. In order to have the entire, state specific document printed a fee is required for a single or multiple use license.
Fill in Blanks and Print Forms -
Lexis One Forms -
Michigan Practice Forms -
Miscellaneous Forms -
New Jersey Forms on the Web -
US Legal Forms