Advertising Information
Costs and Benefits: Information about Posting Your Advertisement is now accepting advertising. Advertising on this site is an extremely cost effective and practical decision for individuals or companies offering services or products to the legal profession. This website has been fully operational since May 1999, and in the first five months of operation, approximately 6,500 visitors viewed the site. After eight years, 20,000 plus visitors view this website monthly. We are ranked third to fifth in Google for the term class action and first for the term class action litigation.
As set forth in the mission statement, this website is intended to provide a useful tool and source of information for attorneys and it is the legal profession which is the target audience of this site. Naturally, the public is welcome to visit the site, and may find much useful information, but the website policy regarding advertising is to direct the advertisements solely to the legal profession. It is for that reason that no advertisements intended to market legal services to the general public will be accepted. In regard to legal service or product advertising, we offer the following introductory advertising opportunities:
Program 1:
A banner advertisement link which will connect the viewer directly to your website. This service is provided at the nominal rate of $425.00 per year. You submit the banner to us as a gif file on disk or as an email attachment and we will resize to conform to our layout style. A sample of a typical banner advertisement and how it functions is below:

Program 2:
This program provides a full page description on this site of your product or services. You may submit the page yourself in html format, or provide a page in Microsoft Word 97, 98 or 2000, or in text format. We will incorporate that page into our site, and from that page provide a direct link to your website -- provided you have an independent site -- at the nominal rate of $550.00 per year. A sample of a typical advertisement may be seen by clicking the following link:
Program 3: Premium Service
This program provides a full page description on this site or your product or services and is linked from a banner advertisement, providing the benefits of Programs 1 and 2 above. Thus, you are able to obtain maximum exposure to the website audience. In addition, your website may be linked directly from your full page text advertisement. This service is offered at the rate of $395.00 per year.
Program 4: Custom Services
A custom advertising program can be designed according to specific needs. Prices and services quoted upon request.
Naturally, to maintain the integrity and professional nature of the site, we reserve the right to reject any objectionable, inappropriate, or nonconforming advertisements. Also, in the event of any disruption, or discontinuation of service, you agree our liability is limited solely to a return of any advertising payments advanced, prorated to the amount of time service was actually provided during the one year term of your advertisement program.
How to submit advertising materials:
First, decide which program you desire, or if a custom program is requested, contact us at the below email address.
After you decide which program you prefer, attach your proposed banner and/or text file to an email and send it to us. Provide your name, address, telephone number and the program requested. After we have an opportunity to review your submission, we will contact you and make arrangements to incorporate the materials into this site. That's all there is to it. Advertising is simple.