Legal Dictionaries| Thesauri| Dictionaries
Foreign and International Law
- Glossary of Conflict of Laws
Definitions are provided for words and phrases used most often in discussions of conflicts in laws between different nations. - The International Committee of the Red Cross has over 450 entries dealing with armed conflict
Dictionary of the international law of armed conflict - This dictionary was developed by a professor of international business law. Hyperlinks connect parts of the dictionary to international legal materials
Legal Dictionaries
- Babylon Ltd. offers links to ten free legal dictionaries including the United States Patent and Trademark Office Glossary and Her Majesty's Courts Service Glossary. This site offers a dictionary search of each individual dictionary or a word search that will return results from a number of listed dictionaries.
Babylon Ltd's Legal Dictionary Collection - The 'Lectric Law Library's Law Dictionary offers thousands of definitions and explanations for legal terms
Legal Lexicon's Lyceum - A free dictionary is provided by with both Canadian and US definitions for terms used by lawyers and law firms.
US Law Dictionary - This online legal dictionary is written and maintained by a Canadian Law firm. The dictionary offers many cross links and easy to understand definitions.
Duhaime's Law Dictionary - This LexisNexis legal dictionary is based on Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©2001. Frequently searched terms are offered and an alphabetical list of legal terms is available. Legal Dictionary - provides a dictionary that offers 3 different ways to search for your word: enter a legal term, search definitions for a specific word, or simply choose the beginning letter and scroll through the list of words offered. Legal Dictionary - This legal dictionary allows you to enter a legal term and search the dictionary. It is based on Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996
FindLaw's Law Dictionary
![]() | Legal Dictionary
GLIN Subject Term Index
Nolo's Legal Glossary
Legal Procedure Dictionary
General Dictionaries
- provides links for a dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia - YourDictionary is both a dictionary and a Thesaurus.There is also a Dictionary Library with links to Medical, French, Spanish, German, and Chinese Dictionaries
- An interactive dictionary and thesaurus provides a visual display of similar words. This is a subscription service and only a limited number of searches are provided before you must purchase or subscribe
Visual Thesaurus - This Roget Thesaurus contains 35,000 synonyms. This site by offers several other references.
Roget's II: The New Thesaurus
Medical Dictionaries
- This Dictionary is powered by Merriam-Webster. A Drugs & Supplements dictionary is available on this site also.
National Institutes of Health Medline Plus Dictionary - The Dept. of Medical Oncology at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne has published this medical dictionary. It contains terms relating to biochemistry, cell biology, chemistry, medicine, molecular biology, physics, plant biology, radiobiology, science and technology.
On-Line Medical Dictionary - provides a medical dictionary with over 16,000 medical terms. It allows for the possibility of misspellings. Users can type only the first three letters of their term and recieve a suggested list of possible terms.
MedTerms Medical Dictionary
Translation Dictionaries
- These online dictionaries will translate single words from one language to another. This resource allows you to translate English into/from over 40 different languages.
LingvoSoft Dictionaries